Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Deer Hunter Bust

As I ease back into the woodcarving scene, I have decided to revisit a piece that I started some time ago.  It's a bust of a deer hunter that should turn out to be a fun project to break the rust free from my woodcarving muscles.  Here's a really crumby photo of the project as of last night.  I've just attached the right arm to the torso and have it clamped up with some rubber bands.

If the carving turns out as I envision, he will have a rifle slung over his right shoulder with the sling in his right hand.  He'll have some binoculars around his neck and something that I haven't decided on held in his left hand.  I'll post more pics as the carving develops.  Thanks for checking in.

-  Brandant Robinson

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Email News Letter

Hey, folks.  I appreciate the warm "welcome home" that everyone has given me.  It's good to be back among friends, doing a little carving, and making a few knives.  The knives that I posted on the Available Knives Page last week are half gone, so get yours before they are all in someone else's toolbox.

Since I'm not taking custom orders for woodcarving tools right now, I have been urged to start an email news letter to let those interested people know when new tools and finished carvings are available to the public to be purchased.  I think that's something that I could do without too much fuss.  Also, I'm not taking orders, but I will entertain requests.  If you need a specific tool, shoot me a message and I'll see if I can add it to the next batch.

So, if you'd like to be on my Email List, just send me an email at with the words "OLD STUMP SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line, and I'll get you added in.  Also, if you'd like to be on my Email List for my custom folding knives which are found on my sister sight at Robinson Edge just indicate that in the body of your email and I'll get you signed up for both.

In the News Letter I'll keep you up to date on new knives, gouges, and carvings.  I won't fill up your inbox up with unwanted emails and you can ask to be removed from my list at any time, no questions asked.  I appreciate your indulgence as I ease back into the carving life.  I didn't realize how much I missed carving and making woodcarving tools.

Also, I'm working on a new carving of a deer hunter.  It's so nice to be making woodchips again!  I'll be posting progress photos very soon, so check back. Thanks for stopping by the Old Stump.

-  Brandant Robinson