Monday, January 7, 2013

Part Three of My Tutorial

Part three of my "Carving the Caricature Face" tutorial is now available for use and download.  Please make sure that you download the PDF file as viewing it online tends distorts the photos.  You can access it by going to the top of this page and clicking on the Tutorials Page Tab or by clicking this link:  Part 3 - The Eyes

In Part 3 we spend the majority of our time focusing on the eyes.  Many cavers find the eyes the most difficult of facial features to carve.  The goal of this tutorial is to shed some light on this difficult subject.

I know that many of you out there are following along with this tutorial.  I hope that you are enjoying it and finding it useful.  I'm sorry that each part is slow in coming, but I do this as a hobby and not a business and it simply takes a lot of time to put something like this together.  Of course, if my carving friends find it useful, it is well worth the time spent.  In the next part, we will finish carving the head. 

I am considering going on with this piece if there is enough interest and continuing the tutorial.  We could possible make this fellow into a bust or even a full figure.  I think he would look great as a cowboy, a construction worker, or even a medieval blacksmith.  Please leave a comment on this post or send me an email at if you would be interest in continuing on and what type of carving (bust or figure) and the subject.  I would love to hear from you and good luck with all of your carving adventures.


  1. Brandant very nice job part 3 is very helpfull thanks for your effort in helping other carvers

  2. Thanks Brandant; I have followed and completed parts one through three. I have been carving for about five years and during that time I have watched quite a few videos' bought many "how to books" and frequented WCI 's message board. I can say without a doubt your method of instruction and the way you present it (still photos) is by far the easiest tutorial that I have attempted.

  3. I also like the way you made your tutorials. It's more work than just making a video but it is more my style of tutorials, even if a video is a good complement.

    Thanks for taking the time to do it. I work a lot on eyes these days because I wasn't satisfied of the way I was doing them. So I was waiting for this part of your tutorial on heads...

    As a following, a bust would be nice. It would make a good tutorial on how to carve heads and how to present them without having to carve a full figure.
