Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Archer Bust Tutorial Completed

The final section of the Carving The Archer Bust tutorial is now available for download.  In the final segment we paint the carving, assemble it, and apply the finishing touches.  Here are a couple of pictures of the final piece with many more pics available on the Picture Gallery page.

I have truly enjoyed putting this tutorial together and I hope that those of you who have been following along with me have enjoyed it too and maybe learned some tips along the way.  If you haven't tried your hand at this carving, I strongly encourage it.

Tip from the Stump: a carver should be constantly challenging his/her abilities in order to improve.  Something may seem too difficult to accomplish at first, but with some time and persistence, you just might surprise yourself.

Here's a link to the final segment of the tutorial "Painting the Archer Bust".

Painting the Archer Bust

The only compensation that I ask for from this free tutorial is that if you give it a try, that you send me a couple of pics of your completed piece.  If I get enough viewer pics, and if the owners of the pics sent in agree, I thought that it might be fun to put together a viewer's gallery to show off your pieces of art.

If you would like to own the original "The Archer" piece, or any of my carvings for that matter, it is available for purchase with details on the Picture Gallery page.  Just click the tab at the top of this page to go there.

I have also added a new tab at the top of the page where all tutorial links are found in one convenient location.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Taking a Break

Now, don't worry, we'll get that fine yeoman finished up in no time.  I have him already half painted, so I hope to have the tutorial all finished up by the end of the week.  Even though this has been a very fun project, and I've enjoyed taking you along for the ride, I just needed to take a break and just sit down and carve something without have to worry about taking pictures and writing instructions.

Here is a pic of my next project.  He will be an evil sorcerer conjuring something foul from the void.  His head and hat are finished and I have the blank for his body cut out.  This guy already has a lot of character, so putting him in a scene should be a lot of fun.

Check out the Carving Bench page for a few more pics.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Archer Bust Tutorial - Making the Archer's Base

I got really ambitious yesterday and finished the base for my Archer and put together part six of the Archer Bust Tutorial.  It's a fairly simple base and you could probably have made it without any help from my part, but I figure that I'm in it this far, and I wouldn't want anyone to be left wondering.  So, here's a look at what the base looks like as well as our finished carving mounted to it.

Now all that we have left to do to finish up this fine yeoman is to give him a really nice paint job, and in the next and final part of the tutorial, we will do just that.  Just click on the link below to download part six of the Archer Bust Tutorial.

Making the Archer's Base

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Archer Bust Tutorial - Making the Archer's Bow

We finished up with all of the carving in the previous part of the tutorial, Carving the Archer's Quiver, but I wanted to give our carving a little shot in the arm to put it over the top.  What is an archer without a bow?  Just a guy walking around with arrows I guess.  So, in this section we will make a really cool bow for our Archer to show off with.  Here's a look at what we are going to accomplish.

I really love to carve, but I also have a whole lot of fun with making the metal attachments that I add to my pieces.  They really give my sculptures a lot of added interest.  I hope you enjoy this tutorial as much as I had making it.  Just follow the link below to download part five of Carving the Archer's Bust.

Making the Archer's Bow

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Archer Bust Tutorial - Carving the Quiver

The great saga of Carving the Archer's Bust continues with another fascinating episode.  In this next segment, we will carve the Archer's quiver, attach it to the torso, carve a carrying strap on the torso, and make some really cool looking arrows.  Here's a peek of what we will accomplish in this tutorial:

He's really starting to look like an archer now.  Click on the link below to download part four of the Carving the Archer's Bust tutorial.

Carving the Archer's Quiver

I apologize that this is taking so long, but there is a lot of work involved in creating these tutorials.  I am trying to show every little step so that no one gets lost.  I hope that everyone following along is enjoying our little journey together.  I have had some really positive feedback from several of you and I am very pleased that you are making strides and improving your skills.  Let me know if you run into any trouble along the way and I'll clarify any points of confusion.

I foresee about three more parts for this tutorial.  The next part will cover making the bow, followed by making a nice base for the carving, and finally we will paint this piece and get it ready for display.

I hope that in the end, when you have finished your version of the Archer, that you will send me some pictures showing me your pieces.  I would love to see what you come up with.  It would also be fun to post pictures of every one's creations here on The Old Stump for all to see, with your permission of course.

Now get that tutorial downloaded and get making chips.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Archer Bust Tutorial - Carving the Torso

Well, I finally got the torso portion of my tutorial published and ready for your use.  Here's a peek at what I have in store.

I sure hope that everyone has been enjoying this little tutorial about carving an Archer's Bust.  I am sure having a good time putting it together, but it's an awful lot of work.  I would have had this guy finished weeks ago if I were just carving him. 

I haven't been getting very much feedback so I don't know if many are even interested in the tutorial or not.  I am going through a lot of work to put this free tutorial out there, so somebody say that you are getting some benefit from it and make me feel like I'm not in this alone.  Even if one person gets something out of this it will have been worth doing, but if several get some pointers and help, it would put the icing on the cake.  If enough people follow this tutorial, I may consider other ones if the future.  Otherwise, I'll just get back to carving.

Oh ya, here's the link to part three of the tutorial

Carving the Archer's Torso

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Archer Bust Tutorial - Carving the Hat

Well, I hope that everyone who is following along with the Archer Bust tutorial has finished carving the head.  If you have any questions along the way, please don't get frustrated, just leave me a comment or send me an email and I'll answer any questions that you have.

Here is a picture of the finished hat being modeled by our total awsome Archer.

I have finished putting the hat tutorial together and it is now available for download, just click the link below to go there like you did for the head.

Carving the Archer's Hat

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Archer Tutorial

With the holidays over, and by the way, I hope everyone had a Merry Christamas and a Happy New Year, I'm ready to start my first tutorial.  I have chosen for the subject of our adventure the bust of an archer.  I can see him sporting a keen Robinhood hat, a forest colored tunic, and maybe a nice recurve bow strung across his back.  This should be a fun time and I hope you will follow along and participate by creating your own version of the archer.  Here's what the final head looks like.

I have uploaded the first part of our tutorial "Carving the Archer's Head", just click the link below to take you there.  The tutorial is in PDF format, so everyone should be able to open it.  The file is quite large, so please let me know if you have trouble downloading it.  Also, make sure that you download the file before trying to work from it as the photos on the hosting site seem to be kind of distorted.

Carving the Archer's Head